Sorry it’s been so long
The title is probably more an apology to mysel, as I know it would be presumptuous to believe that anyone else has suffered from my lack of updates.
I have been busy though. I released a completely crazy Halloween Ep with some mad lyrics and mixing choices. I dipped my toe into collaboration with this one, employing Pete Maher to master it and Stefan Koidl for the art. Both agreed to work for rates that can only be subscribed as charity, and surpassed all my expectation. Some of the bass on the Ep was also played by my amazingly talented nephew, William McMeechan, who is a joy to work with. I have written 6 songs for my next Album in 2020, and I am going to continue my journey into collaboration.
I haven’t gotten off my arse and done anything onYoutube yet, but I have been quite intensively working on my mixing and recording skills so not all wasted time.
What I’ve also noticed is if I write songs closely together, they tend to share a common theme. To avoid me getting repetitive, I am going to take more breaks, which is where focusing on Youtube videos will help.
Anyways, I plan to spend the remainder of the year drunk. Have a great holiday season and New Year. As always, feel free to contact me.
All the Best
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